I've been neglecting my poor little blog again...
Over the past few weeks I had fallen into a nice little routine here at school. I was finally to the point where I knew my entire schedule perfectly - from when I should leave to get to class, when class really got out, when I had time to work out, when I should eat dinner, when I had work...everything was going smoothly.
I was well on my way to getting a 4.0 this term (I'm an overachiever), and then something came along and threw a wrench into my perfect routine...or should I say someone.
Now I'm not the type of girl to be all reliant on the man in my life...I'm fiercely independent, but I'm not gonna lie to you - if I have the option of being dependent, I take it. I'm in the fun, exciting, "getting-t0-know-you" stage of this friendship/relationship/whatever...this means nights spent talking for hours and hours, days spent texting non-stop, then spending every moment possible together.
This means less time to devote to things like blogging and catching up on my TV shows - not a bad thing at all, if you ask me! It also forces me to be more focused when I do my homework. It also means less sleep than I'd like...but hey, I'll take it!
This is why all I have for you today is a nice little Fill in the Blank Friday from Lauren's blog...play along and link up here! Hopefully this weekend I'll get around to doing a recap of my Thanksgiving fun!

1. Black Friday is ridiculous. The sales are nice, but I'd rather shop online...I hate that it creates all this crazy traffic, too! I've never partook in early-morning Black Friday shopping, and I think I'd like to keep it that way.
2. Christmas shopping this year will include budgeting, being creative, and trying to find gifts that are meaningful.
3. Holiday shopping makes me happy. I love giving people presents. I always want to tell people what I get for them immediately after I purchase it, so shopping also makes me antsy...I always end up ruining the surprises for my sister because I'm too excited to keep it in.
4. This year my Christmas list will include...I'm not sure! I never remember the things I want or need throughout the year. I would like a new pair of boots though. And a new pea coat.
5. Bargain hunter, or full price shopper? I'm a major bargain hunter...I once got a dress for $11.27, originally priced $34.50...love my coupons! But if something is perfect and in my price range at full price, I'll go for it.
6. The best and worst thing about shopping is...the best thing is finding exactly what you need/want at the ideal price. The worst is finding exactly what you need/want and being a mature adult and not buying it...sometimes me being practical leads to me having an un-updated wardrobe.
7. Online shopper or in-person shopper? I like to do it in-person if I can, but I shop online occasionally...usually if I'm buying something I've already tried on or bought in a different color or something.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
♥ abigail