This week was insane. Like, completely crazy. And it's showing no sign of letting up over the hopefully I'll get around to telling you about everything that's been going on in my life later!
For now, I leave you with another edition of Fill In the Blank up here at Lauren's blog if you'd like to play along!

1. My Halloween plans this year will include working at the football game on Saturday, then doing homework all day and not getting to partake in any festivities due to having to get up at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday to go to Portland to do more work for my internship...I hope this job takes me places one day!
2. My most memorable Halloween costume was when I was a duck in the fourth grade. My mom used to get Family Fun magazine and she never ever ever bought us costumes - they were always homemade. My duck costume consisted of a hat with a yellow bill and big eyes glued on, green pants, orange webbed feet over my shoes, and a yellow turtleneck with wings ridiculous but totally perfect. That was the last Halloween I really dressed up...I never really liked Halloween much as a kid!
3. For Halloween this year I'm going to be nothing...I have to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and I need to spend the rest of my time being a good student...I have cat ears and a tail just in case I find a moment to head to a party or two, but odds aren't looking too good at this point. Seriously, 5:00 a.m. wake-up calls are not being good to me!
4. I've always wanted to dress up as Tinkerbell, Belle, or Esmarelda...I've always loved the Disney princesses. My roommates and I decided to start scouring Goodwill now for costume options for next year, so hopefully one of the costumes will be in my future!
5. Halloween free association! Pumpkins, spiders, Disney Channel movie marathons, candy corn, hot apple cider, and donuts.
6. The worst thing about Halloween is the costumes these days are far too trashy for my liking...Mean Girls got it right when they said it's a day girls get to dress however they want without getting judged for it...but I'm not gonna lie, if you're revealing every inch or your skin just because you can, I'm gonna judge you a little! Trashy costumes being the norm also make it hard for me to find anything I like, so I always end up being the same thing (that cat I referenced earlier).
7. The best thing about Halloween is that it's in October, my favorite month of the year :) I really could totally live without it.
♥ abigail do have such a busy weekend. i hope you can squeeze in some fun time
Thanks Monica! I managed to have some fun last night luckily, and it looks like tomorrow I'll be able to squeeze in a little play after I finish work :)