I mean to write this post sooner, and I have no excuse for not except that life is happening right now.
I am doing my best this term to keep up with my classes and my grades and my fitness and my friends and family that other things fall by the wayside. Like sleep.
But it's all good.
After Saturday night's incident, I really needed a good weekend...and that's exactly what I got. I somehow managed to cram a weekend's worth of fun into one day...and I loved every minute of it. Almost. You'll see.
I need to get to bed so I can get up in the morning and review for my tests I have tomorrow, so you get the cliffnotes version...but only if I can write that little.
So we'll see.
After a horrible night of sleep on Saturday (every time I would start drifting off, some loud ruckus - either inside or outside my house - would snap me out of it, leaving me awake and grumpy for a while), I got up to head to the Portland area for the day.
I hadn't seen my favorite cousin for a month, so we were due for a visit. After arriving at her house, we headed to Roloff Farms (yes, as in the Roloff's from the TLC show Little People, Big World), which was about 15 minutes away.
We spent a while touring the farm, hanging out in the pumpkin patch, and looking at the animals. We managed to track down a few of the Roloff's so my cousin could get her picture with them...she was extremely starstruck when Jeremy remembered her from last year...it was entirely adorable.
Here I am with a pumpkin...and my new(ish) haircut. Told you I'd get around to sharing it!

After we left the farm we hit up Sephora for a few essentials for me (hello, Hope In a Jar and Purity!) before heading back to my cousin's house so I could get ready to see Tyler Hilton in concert.
Yes, the same Tyler Hilton as last year...remember him?
It was a great show, despite the fact that it took me forever to get there...I don't know Portland well at all, and my cousin accidentally printed directions to the wrong theater. I arrived in one piece and before the show started, so all was well.
The concert itself was fabulous, and I also was fortunate to enjoy time with two old friends. We went to school together from kindergarten through our senior year in high school, so when we're together it's incredibly easy to just pick up where we left off.
I love those kinds of friends. More than I love Tyler Hilton's music even.
I left the concert with a dead phone and directions in hand, only to get lost once again...this time it was slightly more stressful, since it was late and dark, and did I mention my phone was dead?
I finally found my way back to my cousin's (I had left some things there on accident that I need for school), and was finally heading home around 11:30.
Of course, this was the moment when I got pulled over.
I had never been pulled over before, so I was a little nervous. The road had been completely empty - this cop showed up literally out of nowhere - and I must have zoned out and not used my signal to change lanes. This resulted in getting pulled over and (luckily) getting left off with a warning.
I drove very carefully home, and arrived around 1:00 a.m. I proceeded to do a little homework, get a few hours of sleep, and then do homework all morning until my Spanish presentation.
I hoped my week would slow down after that, but it hasn't showed any sign of letting up.
Don't get me wrong, I would rather be busy than bored...but combine my busy weekend with not a lot of sleep, and you get a girl craving a moment to sit and relax.
I'm never doing just one thing anymore. I study while eating. I read during commercial breaks. I quiz myself while in the shower and cooking dinner. I go over notes while on the elliptical. I multi-task everything, and while I'm glad I have that option, I would love to be able to do just one thing at a time.
This weekend I hope to head home for a day or two for some much needed relaxation...until then, I'll be busy busy busy!
Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to write again...really write. While I like staying in practice with these little updates, I have so many bigger thoughts floating around in my head that I feel are so worth me writing about. My comm class is really getting me to think, and I have post-it notes everywhere reminding me of topics I want to ramble on about...so stay tuned!
♥ abigail
thanks so much for the encouragement Abigail! you'll be in my prayers! love the haircut!